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I am a prince.

Searching for God will not be served to you in a silver platter or delivered without so much effort. Seek and you shall find. Know the benefits of being a prince(small p) or a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Knowing that God is all -powerful, I can ask Him to help me achieve my dreams.
Knowing that God is present everywhere, I am not alone. I can speak and cry out to Him anytime.
Knowing that God is all- knowing and wise, I can ask for guidance.
Knowing that God is love, I am certain of His commitment for my well-being. I am fully accepted and loved.
Knowing that God is merciful, I can be assured that I am forgiven.
Knowing that God is just, I cannot abuse his mercy. I will be treated fairly.
Knowing that God is Holy, I can worship him in truth and purity.
John 1:12- Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God(the King of kings and Lord of lords).
-An excerpt from the Chapter 4: Deepening the Faith of Utak Henyo Leadership Book 1.0 (Unedited Version)

Chapter 1-12 (Not yet complete)

The published book will be dedicated to the Filipino Youth and University of the Philippines Leaders, Professors, students, employees, and communities.
For comments and suggestions while on book writing process, you may send feedback to