Good: Mental Health Status (March 18, 2021)
Good: Mental Health Status (March 18, 2021)
Final Psychological Evaluation: Good Mental Health
I still have a Good Mental Health in spite of the pandemic and darkside of my personality.An assessment from a team of pyschologists at Mindnation, a psychological center in the workplace featured at CNN.They offered counseling and life coaching. I attached the screenshot of the certification. I covered some information due to data protection act and privacy of the psychologist. Since I was a teen student using my 2nd mom’s last name at Ateneo de Naga University in the province (a psychology scholar, and model student awardee) I was consulting school pyschologists, not because I was crazy sicked or advised to, but to prevent any psychological issues that might occur due to serious family issues–Philippine Army Spy dad having 19 wife and mistresses.The purpose of psychological consultation is to guide me on what to do next that will make me have a better future. Now you understand why I became an International TV/radio journalist, DepEd program author, techno-entrepreneur, UP Scholar, and creator of Utak Henyo level 2 that will prevent depression and guide the youth to functional thinking. I consulted MindNation through the help of my Boss Glen Eric GuileƱo when I encountered irrational rejection and manipulation from a flirt lady whose using position to take advantage men. No wonder her boyfriend left her in spite of being so hot and beautiful.
It is okay not to be okay. “Mas nakakatakot kung meron nangyayaring hindi maganda but you are just ignoring it and pretend that everything is okay”. (In Filipino)