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Handling Mistakes #1: Unsolicited Bragging

Handling Mistakes #1: Unsolicited Bragging

Handling Mistake #1: Unsolicited Bragging in Social Media

Behavioral Problem: “Posting in facebook or social media of my unfailing leadership projects.” (April 26, 2022)

1.Is there substantial evidence for my thoughts?

Yes. My youth development shows are top 1 at Gospel Broadcasting Network and Veritas Asia.My pope and COVID-19 project is 2nd runner up at 2021 Digital Humanities Awards, International awards. All of my programs are DepEd approved.All of my Utak Henyo Conferences were successful. My leadership system got 1.0 or A grades in my pastoral methods at Loyola School of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University.

2.Is there evidence contrary to my thoughts?

No major evidence but I had minor mistakes.

3.Am I attempting to interpret this situation without all the evidence?


4. What would a friend think about this situation?

I am bragging in social media.

5.If I look at the situation postively, how is it different?

I am telling the truth but violating the principles of humility and modesty.

6.Will this matter a year from now? How about years from now?

Yes.This is character- related and has lifetime significance.

7. Reflection
Unsolicited bragging in social media is a big-no no.The only person who benefited is the “me” but undermines the desire for recognition. Bragging is different from communicating expert credentials. A speaker or an author is allowed to share his/her achievements because the audience attended because of his/her expertise.There is a two-way benefits.

8.Action Resolution
a. Deleted my unsolicited bragging post
b. Confession for violating the moral principles of humility and modesty