Utak Henyo Life

My Vision, Mission, & Core Values

My Primary Purpose

  1. To love God with my whole life
  2. To love others as myself
  3. To help fulfill the Great Commission-sharing the good news about the lord jesus christ
Note: I cannot live without the primary purpose

My Core Values

P– ut christ first & study the catholic/christian bible

E– xercise humility

T– ell the truth in grace

E– njoy life with others & execute people & leadership skills

R– ewrite plans until it conforms to god’s purposes

B– ackfight or gossip to no one

R– emember to slow down & rest

E– stablish boundaries, health, time & money management

B– e positive

O– bserve regular time with god & attend mass

N– ever be lazy

E– liminate vices such as smoking cigarettes, gambling, abusing alcohol, abusing drugs, & engaging in sexual immorality

R– ight friends to keep

I- nvest time with family & true friends

A- ccept no excuses & live responsibly

I-nitiate church & charity works

I-nfluence others to christ

Photo credit: Jamie Street(Unsplash)

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