PeterBreboneria.Com: Managing Genius Persona on the web and social media
PeterBreboneria.Com: Managing Genius Persona on the web and social media

PeterBreboneria.Com is a startup website that portray genius personality in spirituality and practice. Peter Breboneria II is the founder of International Center for Youth Development and founding developer of Philippines first internet based DepEd Alternative Learning System and Utak Henyo program- a program for the out of school youth and in-school students. He was the main host of youth program at Veritas International(Catholic) and Gospel Broadcasting Network (Born again Protestant).The website has an average of 6k views quarterly based from Google analytics.

Moore et al (2017) stated that network self is replacing Identity formation based on cartesian view anchored on culture. In the current sense of identity, it shows the relation between the self, identity, and technology. Online activity defines you in Network self-ism. Let us present the online persona projected at based from the lens of public dimension, mediatized dimension, performative dimension, collective dimension, and value dimension of persona.
Public Dimension
The dynamic of online persona could shift from small to gigantic audience through various multimedia platforms. Blogger like me has a purpose of making it big.The World`s top blogger earns US$250 million dollar a year. Best selling Filipino author Jayson Lo advised me to focus on one public personality. I chose to have a public genius handsome personality supported by documents published in the website. Those are documents signed by Department of Education, Junior Chamber International, Philippine Music and the Arts, International Center for Youth Development, and Voice of the Youth Network. To make me look highly credible, there is also a page where you can watch my radio and tv shows,
Radio and tv shows link:

Mediatised Dimension
PeterBreboneria.Com mediatized via social media profiles.
Official fb:@PogingIskoHenyo
Instagram: @PogingIsko
Pinterest: @PogingIsko
Twitter: @PogingIskoHenyo
To support one public personality, utilizes photos, videos, and hashtags creating focused online persona.
Performative Dimension
Blogger`s behavior shall be in conformity to government laws on data privacy and media censureship.The article post shall also be germane to the projected personality.Moore et al (2017) mentioned, “The public performance of the self is neither entirely ‘real’ nor entirely ‘fictional.’” PeterBreboneria.Com`s life is openbook. He published both his strengths and weaknesses. But the weakness shall not destroy the HenyongPogi public image.
Life Performance & Integrity Scores link:
Daily Discipline link:
Collective Dimension
PeterBreboneria.Com posts and video are created using Canva and Adobe premiere to be shared in micro public through page and group sharing in various multimedia platforms.
Value Dimension
Third party publication are also shared to strengthen the public image and character.
Model of Manhoodness and Handsomeness links:
- used aesthetic economy on this photo.The photo received 2000 likes a day when it was published on fb.
Moore, C., Barbour, K., & Lee, K. (n.d.). Five dimensions of online persona. Persona Studies. Retrieved December 24, 2022, from
Peterbreboneria. (2021, December 20). Peter Breboneria II. Peter Breboneria Official Website. Retrieved December 24, 2022, from
Karttunen, U. (n.d.). The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction and Mediated Reality. Ethics and Aesthetics in the dream and cream world of every-extending publicity. V MEDITERRANEAN CONGRESS OF AESTHETICS | Cartagena (Spain), 4th-8th July 2011. Retrieved December 24, 2022, from