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Philippine Issue 1: Marcos Jr. maintains he is a graduate of Oxford.

Philippine Issue 1: Marcos Jr. maintains he is a graduate of Oxford.

Analytical answers

1. Substantial pieces of evidence that supports this idea
– He graduated with an undergraduate degree and was awarded a Special Diploma in Social Studies. The certificate explicitly used the term degree. Universities understand the difference between degree and non-degree programs.
-He has a diploma certificate signed by the registrar
-Other circumstantial evidence: Wharton recognized his undergraduate diploma and was accepted for Masteral degree course.
-his educational background was published on the senate website. The data are accurate.
2. Substantial pieces of evidence that contradict this idea
– Oxford Philippine society, a group of Filipino students and alumni said he did not obtain a degree…A special diploma is not a degree.
-Ruston Banal, an image expert doubted signatories in Marcos certificate
-Cathy King, a private secretary to the registrar confirmed that he did not finish the degree in BA Politics, Philosophy, and economics but was awarded a special diploma. She also clarified that it was not a graduate diploma. No link also between BA and Special Diploma.
3. Attempt to interpret without evidence
In the Philippines, diplomas are post-graduate courses. College degrees are associate and bachelor’s degrees. Not comparable with Marcos Diploma
4. Perspective of my friends and colleagues
Marcos Jr is a liar according to my intellectual friends. Most people think the opposite.
5. Seen on positive or balanced perspectives
Looking at the shreds of evidence, I had these observations.
a. Indeed, he did not finish his BA degree because he was awarded a different undergraduate degree. I did not see a problem with Cathy King’s statement.
b. The certificate used the term degree. Universities understand the difference between degree and non-degree program
c.Other circumstantial evidence.
Wharton, the world’s top graduate business school recognized his special diploma and accepted Marcos Jr on their masteral program.
6. Significant after 1 year and 5 years
Not significant and won’t be an issue after 1 to 5 years. He may or may not lie about the PPE in the past. Now is the most important. Marcos Jr published an accurate educational background on the senate website. Not BA PPE but Diploma in Social Studies.
His special diploma shall not be an issue if he had been admitted to masteral course. I can’t find the sense of making it an issue.