Question:Can we totally abolish it since its negative impacts could no longer be managed by science and/or technology?
Question: Can we totally abolish it since its negative impacts could no longer be managed by science and/or technology?
Do you think the mining operation in the Philippines can be improved using science and/or technology or we can totally abolish it since its negative impacts could no longer be managed by science and/or technology?
I. Do you think the mining operation in the Philippines can be improved using science and technology?
Yes. I believe that the Philippine government can use science and technology to create a blueprint for the improvement of Philippine Mining Industry.
- The use of advanced data science and computing technology to monitor the flow of mineral wealth preventing over mining.
Philippine mining industry promotes rational exploration and prospecting based from validated evidences.
From the 30 million hectares land mass in the Philippines, Nine(9) million hectares has high mineral potential but only 2.36% or 707,077 hectares was covered by mining tenements in 2012 that includes
a. Nickel rich lands: Zambales, Palawan, Agusan del Norte, Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur
b. Gold laden terrains: Benguet, Masbate, Camarines Norte, and Agusan del Sur
c. Polymetallic reserves: Benguet, Cebu, and Zamboanga del Norte.

2. The use of safest marine engineering considering the type of land masses: Is it an archipelago surrounded with body of waters or continental covering massive land areas?
After the rational exploration of untapped mineral wealth, the Philippine mining industry abide by the laws established by the state to promote new approach to mining that also conforms to safety standards, environmental protection, and community development. The Philippine mining industry employed two(2) methods:
a. Surface mining. The Philippine mining industry applied open pit mining considered globally to be the safest mining method.
b. underground mining

3.Blueprint for Philippine mining industry conforming to excellent laws, policies, and International standards
Untapping the trillion industry of Philippine mineral wealth shall be guided by a blueprint strictly adhering to the values of stewardship, accountability, and the principles shared by scientists. President Rodrigo Duterte said, “To the mining industry expect reforms radical ones, exhort all concerned agencies and local government units uphold the concept of intergenerational responsibility exploring and utilization of our mineral wealth, protection and preservation of our biodiversity anchored in the right to a balanced and healthy ecology.”
The Philippine mining act of 1995 or RA 7942 is at par with mining laws of Australia, Canada, and the United States operating in view of 4 project imperatives:
a.Technically feasible
b.Environmentally Compliant
c.Socially acceptable
d.Financially viable
The Philippine mining industry also raise the bar by adhering to international environmental and safety standards or ISO Certifications (For example ISO 4001).
4.Understanding its impact to the economy
I understand that Philippine mining industry were accounted only for 0.69% of GDP in year 2018.But the Philippine mining industry has a potential trillion dollars worth of untapped minerals wealth being in the top 5 source of mineral wealth in the world.If science can produce safest technology and applications that will scan these minerals and control its utilization. It shall have great impact, not just in the environment but also in Philippine economy.
₱102.3 billion was the contribution of Philippine mining industry to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2020 amidst COVID-19 pandemic.
5. Other benefits of Philippine mining industry
Philippine mining industry provides medical and educational assistance, and public infrastructure.
II. Can we totally abolish it since its negative impacts could no longer be managed by science and/or technology?
Yes, we can totally abolish until the time our scientists and engineers discover the safest way to practice mining and the government has the capacity to implement policies that will really benefit the Filipino people.The alliance of Alyansa Tigil Mina aims to shift the policy framework on extracting minerals in the Philippines, from simply “‘extracting and profiting from mining minerals’ to ‘mineral management towards national industrialization'”.
Remember the story of Marcopper Mining Tragedy that poisoned Calancan bay from 1975-1991 with estimated 200 million tons of toxins.
Recently, the flooding and massive siltation in Carrascal in Surigao del Sur as a result of open-pit mining site.

Reflection: The Safest Mining Method is not really safe
Open pit mining was declared the safest mining method globally but resulted flooding and siltation in the Philippines ruining the environment, health, and livelihood of Philippine communities. As a student of science, we shall be skeptical even with those scientific materials that publishes promising claims–“too good to be true.” Mining methods shall be mitigated and investigated its applicability. I recognize that open pit mining might be safe with continental land areas but not with Philipppine archipelago surrounded with body of waters.For further study, science and mining engineering shall research for a safe mining method that won’t compromise environmental protection.
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About the Author

Peter Dadis Breboneria II (Formerly Peter Reganit Breboneria II) is the founder of the International Center for Youth Development (ICYD) and the program author/ developer of the Philippines first internet-based Alternative Learning System and Utak Henyo Program of the Department of Education featured by GMA News & Public Affairs and ABS-CBN and MOA signed by Department of Education, Voice of the Youth Network, Junior Chamber International (JCI), and the Philippine Music and the Arts. You may visit his website at